Before I start on my workout regime, I must mention that I am on my first day of period. So it's full on PMS- Cramps, heavy bleeding etc. I have NOT seen a proper write up on weight lifting/working out while on the rag. I've seen the usually shitty "eat well and do some exercise." Like, what the HELL is "some exercise"? It could range from power walking to mountain climbing. I could do both for an hour, however, energy spent would be super different.
Thus, I would like to give you my personal experience as well as some info on how to exercise while having that "time of the month".
Tip 1: When the blood flow is high, use lighter weights. (i.e: when you ovulate, that's when you go crazy on the workouts and go heavy!)
Your body needs LESS stress while it's shedding the uterine lining. You don't need to add more stress.
Tip 2: Go ahead with exercise. Use body weight, medium to light weights. Whatever. Just get your ass moving.
The endorphines helps allievate the pain in your lower abdomen when you have crazy assed cramps.
Tip 3: SKIP THE GYM. Work out at home. No embarassing leakages and you have access to pads and your own toilet all the time.
I hated going to the gym while on the rag. Had to keep making sure I didn't leak and I had to keep a straight face while training even when the flow was kicking my ass.
You need your red meat or iron supplements. Loss of blood = loss of iron. Trust me. I had really bad periods when I was younger (13-ish) as well as when I had my ovarian cyst and endometriosis. It sucked ass.
Today's workout
Duration: 25 mins
*If you realise, my reps are always in the 24 reps total for each exercise (except for abs). It is the best combi for a lean bikini body. It adds on shapely muscle as well as kicks in the fat burning factor.
50 Jumping Jacks
14kg Supersets x3
- Side lunges (8 reps per leg)
- Squats (8 reps)
50 Jumping Jacks
14kg Super set x3
- Sumo Squats
- Crunches (7kg-20 reps)
50 Jumping Jacks
Superset x2
-Leg lifts (40 rep)
- Plank (1 min)
10 Jump squats x2
- Protein shake
- Multivitamin
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