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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Personal Time: Current workout sequences and lessons I've learnt

A post before I head to bed.

In this post, "wealth" refers to trying to put in too much exercise to reach goals and end up being further from it than ever. I was too eager to up my workouts to four times a week and I ended up over training. I was following a programme in a book and not listening to my own body, thus I ended up working it too much with lack of rest..=( This resulted in:
- Depression
- Hopelessness
- Even more hormonal imbalance (Thus I started inter-menstrual bleeding for 2 weeks.)
- Loss of appetite
- Irritability

Thus I had to change my workout routine and....

My current workout schedule looks like this:

Monday: Legs and back exercises 
Since I found a reasonable gym near my tutee's place, I will use that and give a review on the gym. Exercises I will post will be from what I've done from the gym and I will be modifying them for home workouts.

Tuesday: Rest and stretching 

Wednesday: Upper body 
Mainly shoulders and arms, less emphasis on chest

Thursday: Rest and stretching

Friday: Core (Abs and light back)

Sat and sun: Rest

My workout break down emphasize on minimal working out and more on rest as I'm an ectomorph and thus need more rest to recover from exercises in order to fully benefit. I keep cardio to a minimum (walking) as I lose muscle really fast if I do too much cardio.

The past week: I only did two workouts as 4 workouts a week from the previous 4 weeks really wore my system down and I started running into over training symptoms. This made me depressed and really fatigued. Thus, I took a break and continued to finish up the last core exercise from the last sequence.

For low-cost personal training services and other enquires, please feel free to email me at!

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