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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Diets: Why they never work for you.

No, I'm not going to say because it's a diet of fatty oily food and too little vegetables. That is common sense and we know that it IS an unhealthy diet. I mean, who the heck grows well with reused oil, chemical injected meat and machine processed carbohydrates?
No, I'm going to talk about why seemingly healthy diets, even the usual eat a nutritious diet and have exercise, don't even work!

Reason #1: You are eating insufficient calories
Crash dieting and consuming less than 1500 kcals a day is a sure-fire way to help your body STORE FAT. Yes, your body goes crazy for nutrients and whatever you put in your body, your body quickly stores it up for later. Guess what your body likes to store? Exactly- Fat! And what does it like to break down to keep itself alive? Protein- Your muscles (including your HEART muscles) are at risk of being broken down. And muscle are our METABOLISM BOOSTERS.
Now can you see what insanity are you doing to your body? So do me a favour and stop making yourself FATTER!

Reason #2: You're on a FAD diet
Fad diets = Fat diets. Why?
Diets like:
Master Cleanse

Morning Banana Diet

Liquid diets

These diets don't do much except to add more chemicals into your body or screw up your metabolism or just make you fatter due to insufficient nutrient intake, or all of the above. Also, they taste quite awful (liquid diets, I'm staring at you!) they usually tell you to partake in some kind of exercise anyway. So why just save your money and time, get off reading what is the latest diet, just eat right and exercise? Saves so much time you can do relaxing after you exercise anyway.

Reason #3: "Nothing works for me, so I might as well try that weird diet" excuse
Most people tell me they can did TRY the exercise and healthy diet routine but it didn't work. Well, DUH! I didn't go on a healthy diet and exercise for 2 weeks. Nope, I'm on my "diet" FOR YEARS. THAT is how you do it. 
It has nothing to do with how much you can crap in one day so that you lose 1kg due to bad bowel movement.
If you stuck to this healthy diet with exercise for less than 6 months, GET BACK ON THAT WAGON AND RIDE IT LIKE A MECHANICAL BULL.
This is your BULL. RIDE IT!

Reason #4: You're looking for that magic diet
I'm sorry, but diet hopping and trying those crazy diets aren't going to work. There is no diet that will keep you slim and sexy forever. Not even liposuction. There is no magic. 

Reason #5: You fail to plan, thus you plan to fail
"YOU ARE SO DISCOURAGING!" But it's true isn't it? How many times have you been off and on diets? Once you reach your "goal weight" you go insane and stuff yourself with crap food for a few months and you are back at SQUARE ONE. No magic there in getting you to gain that weight. You worked hard for it. Putting this and that into your mouth, slacking off on the exercise. 
my workout log
My food log
Always set new goals for yourself. Yes, you've reached your goal weight, now what? Get fitter. Get stronger. Say I want to be at this weight because I enjoy looking sexy. Or I want to be at the weight because I'm getting so many compliments and I don't want them to stop coming! 

Reason #6: You're not supplementing well enough
No matter how well you eat, you will definitely be lacking of certain micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). I'd recommend extra dosages of vitamin C and a multivitamin to keep your body in tip top condition.

Reason #7: Being too strict on yourself.
Everyone needs a treat once in a while. Treat yourself to your favourite treat once a week. I AM SERIOUS. You will NOT add on 5kg due to 1 treat such as a yummy meal of fish and chips or a bag of M&Ms. By treating yourself to these junk food once a week, you:
1. Realise how refined foods actually feel like
2. You don't crave as much as on a strict diet

Reason #8: You count calories
Every girl starts a diet worrying about calories. DON'T COUNT THEM!
1. No one EVER gets the real calories down. Most people miscount them.
2. It keeps you paranoid
3. It does not show how much quality nutrients you are consuming
You can get lean or fat on a 2000kcal diet. It depends on how you eat and what is in the food.

Reason #9: You don't credit yourself
This is NOT the same as having a cheat day or a cheat treat. This is praising yourself or telling yourself to go on when you fall off the wagon. It's motivation for your soul and mind. For every fitness step you take (e.g. working out for the first time), you deserve a pat on your back and look forward to your next goal.

Reason #10: You're not sleeping enough
YES! Sleeping 8.5 hours a day increases fat burning! Less than 5.5 hours a night and say bye bye to the muscle you earned to boost your metabolism.
My cat sleeps too! He wants to be a tiger when he grows up!

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