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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Personal Time: Current Improvements

1. Weight up from 38kg to 40kg

2. Legs and back getting stronger and sexier. Leg veins ftw!!

3. Squatting half my body weight is getting easier by the day.

4. I'm slowly easing my back off the assist and doing real pull ups.

I'm a hardgainer girl.

Get abs.

While we crunch away, doing set after set of a variety of crunches, it's also what you consume that helps in getting nice shadow-casting abs.

Foods that help in obtaining yummilicious abs:

Soybeans --> Isoflavones help reduce ab fat and it has low fat percentage and high protein content.

Blueberries --> High in Vit C

Calcium --> So drink your low fat milk! For calcium decreases storage of fat.

See you and your delicious tummy.