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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sneaky Sneaky

Hi all.

I am STILL down from the flu, it has been officially 9 days into the flu virus and I am still having coughing fits. UGH.

Anyway, I was having serious withdrawal symptoms from exercise and consuming my favourite protein sources. I'm still not eating so much nuts nor am I drinking my protein shakes ('cause they are super heaty), but today...........I sneaked in a workout.

I know, some of you may think I'm crazy. Why would I want to put myself through such torture? Because, just like how tough it was to give up junk food/ withdrawing from junk for 5-6 days a week, exercise has become a habit to me. So, quitting a habit is naturally tough, even if it's for a few days. A break from sickness is like denying me from what I enjoy doing. But the worst was after my operation last year, but that is another story for another time. =)

I know I said don't workout when ill, but I was feeling very very fidgety. Thus, this was the routine I did for about 8 minutes. This is called high intensity interval training (HIIT).
If you want a simple workout, start with this. This MAY kill and it shoots your metabolism up sky high. So it is best to do this workout in the mornings than in the evenings, but do a workout when you can. It will benefit you in the end. (

40 Squats
40 Bent Over Rows (2.5kg per hand)
Rest (10 seconds)
40 Lunges (20 per leg)
40 Reverse Flyes (2.5kg per hand)
Rest (10 seconds)
20 Squats
20 Bent Over Rows (2.5kg per hand)
Rest (10 seconds)
20 Lunges (10 per leg)
20 Reverse Flyes (2.5 kg per hand)

For reverse flyes and rows, remember to SQUEEZE right at the top.

Am still coughing away while I type this entry, but so damn worth it!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

One size fits all?

Workouts are not a one size fits all routine. What may work for me may not work for you. Thus, this blog post is about NOT following workout routines BLINDLY.

credits to:

Sure, if you have never exercised in your life, following almost any exercise routine (most people refer to popular fitness magazines like SHAPE and Men's/Women's health) would be fine.

However, you need to understand that those workouts are "run of the mill" kind of routines. 12 to 15 reps may work for your friend, but to get toned, you may need a 8 to 10 rep routine.

For myself, I just recently realised that from all the trials and errors I have made, my body reacts best to higher reps (12-20 reps) for upper body and medium amount of reps (8-10 reps) for my lower body.

I also knew that my lower body reacts well to almost any workout I throw at it but my upper body needs more work and trials to perfect the formula.

So, keeping fit and looking good is not something that comes naturally. Under every smile and pose of a successful fitness model, is the sweat, blood and tears they went through to perfect their bodies for that photoshoot.

Credits to t-nation and Amber Elizabeth
So, treat your body not like a math problem, but a sculpture you need to take care and work on for the rest of your life.
Looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing someone sexy is probably the best way to start your day.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

In sickness and in health....

Yes, today's post is about our commitment to fitness and our bodies.

Fitness to me is like a marriage. On some days, I look at my exercise log and I go "UGH you again...." and on some days, I'm happy to pick it up and just start on my workouts.

So yes, we know that exercise is good for us. But that is just part of the story.

The break down uses the 20/80 rule. 20% training, 80% diet. BUT dieting without training leads you to muscle loss and not losing fat optimally (aka not raising but in fact, decreasing your metabolism, which kickstarts the whole fucked up yoyo dieting process, which also destroys you and you say "FUCK. Nothing works on me. I'm doomed.")

Question is: DO I EXERCISE WHEN I AM ILL???????

Short answer: No. Let your body rest. You are under enough stress due to fighting those pathogens and you want your body to go through more stress trying to build muscle? No thanks. (Btw all forms of exercise do induce some muscle tear.)

Long answer: If you're down and out with a fever, congested nose etc, then NO exercise is not reccomended. If it's just a slight sore throat, go ahead, but stop when you don't feel too good (e.g. dizziness)

Rule of thumb: Don't exercise if you know you cannot get oxygen into your system properly.

Of course, workout using common sense. If you are down and out with a leg sprain, don't be a genius and do squats.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

work life and exercise

I just started work and it's your usual 9 to 6 grind. Thus, by the time I get home, it's 7pm. How do you squeeze in exercise when you're half dead from deadlines and whatever you were rushing at your desk?

1. Exercise for 10 mins in the morning before you head out (Monday to Fri):
20 sumo squats
40 side lunges
20 push ups
(repeat twice)

That should take about 7 to 10 minutes, depending on fitness level and kind of stretching and yoga/pilates positions you employ.
I realised that after a boost like that, I don't feel sluggish in the morning.

2. Exericse for 10-15 mins on alternate evenings with weights
This is my plan:
Monday: Upper body
Wed/thurs: abs
Sat/sun: Legs
This adds up to 20-25 mins on days you do both periods.

So for the whole week, you get in: 95 minutes of exercise.

It isn't so tough plus you don't have to look GREY like the people in the office. It scares me to death, thinking I will look grey and dull after a while if I don't get my blood circulation flowing right.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Leg and abs!

Before I start on my workout regime, I must mention that I am on my first day of period. So it's full on PMS- Cramps, heavy bleeding etc. I have NOT seen a proper write up on weight lifting/working out while on the rag. I've seen the usually shitty "eat well and do some exercise." Like, what the HELL is "some exercise"? It could range from power walking to mountain climbing. I could do both for an hour, however, energy spent would be super different.

Thus, I would like to give you my personal experience as well as some info on how to exercise while having that "time of the month".

Tip 1: When the blood flow is high, use lighter weights. (i.e: when you ovulate, that's when you go crazy on the workouts and go heavy!)
Your body needs LESS stress while it's shedding the uterine lining. You don't need to add more stress.

Tip 2: Go ahead with exercise. Use body weight, medium to light weights. Whatever. Just get your ass moving.
The endorphines helps allievate the pain in your lower abdomen when you have crazy assed cramps.

Tip 3: SKIP THE GYM. Work out at home. No embarassing leakages and you have access to pads and your own toilet all the time.
I hated going to the gym while on the rag. Had to keep making sure I didn't leak and I had to keep a straight face while training even when the flow was kicking my ass.

You need your red meat or iron supplements. Loss of blood = loss of iron. Trust me. I had really bad periods when I was younger (13-ish) as well as when I had my ovarian cyst and endometriosis. It sucked ass.

Today's workout
Duration: 25 mins

*If you realise, my reps are always in the 24 reps total for each exercise (except for abs). It is the best combi for a lean bikini body. It adds on shapely muscle as well as kicks in the fat burning factor.

50 Jumping Jacks

14kg Supersets x3
- Side lunges (8 reps per leg)
- Squats (8 reps)

50 Jumping Jacks

14kg Super set x3
- Sumo Squats
- Crunches (7kg-20 reps)

50 Jumping Jacks

Superset x2
-Leg lifts (40 rep)
- Plank (1 min)

10 Jump squats x2

- Protein shake
- Multivitamin

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chest and Back day!! + Cardio

Duration: 30 mins

50 Jumping Jacks

12 kg Superset x3 (On gym ball)
- Chest press (Max reps)
- Chest flyes (Max reps)

50 Jumping Jacks

12kg Supersets x3
- Rows (Standing)
- Reverse flyes (standing)

50 Jumping jacks

Superset x2
- Superman (1min)
- Pushups (40 reps)

50 Jumping Jacks

* I like to add bursts of cardio between sets to ramp up my heart rate and combine cardio with weight training.

Protein shake

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011- First workout of the year!!

(Picture taken as of 2nd Jan 2011)Time to work hard and gain some more muscle!!

(Monday-2nd Jan 2011)

Today's workout:

Weights used: 5kg dumb bells.
Duration: 30 mins

50 Jumping Jacks

(Superset) x3
Tricep kickbacks 10 reps
Hammer curls 8 reps

Dips 10 reps
Curls 8 reps

100 jumping jacks

Front raise 10 reps
Side raise 10 reps

100 jumping jacks

Protein shake