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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

10 Big Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Lose Weight

1. They skip meals
Skipping meals equals to a slower metabolism. The moment you go hungry, you're putting your body into "starvation mode". This causes your body to start storing as much as possible. Guess what has infinite amount of storage in the body? You guessed it! Fat. Eat small, healthy and frequent meals, 5 times a day.

2. They order a salad
There is nothing wrong with eating a salad, unless you don't eat enough protein! Vegetables and fruit are not zero calorie foods. They are made up of water, fibre AND carbohydrates. Where's the protein?? Protein is necessary for muscle growth and essential amino acids.

3. They consume fat burners without exercising
Sorry, but there is no magic pill. If you're taking a fat burner without even exercising, please just throw the bottle of pills away. Fat burners are supposed to further increase your metabolism while you exercise.

4. They don't perform weight bearing exercises
Ladies, don't be afraid to put on some muscle. The only thing you'll see is muscle tone once you start lifting and you build up muscle. The heavier you lift, the more toned your muscles will be. In magazine, when they say "12-15 reps", it does not mean lift the weight for 12 to 15 times. It means, at the 12th to 15th rep, you must be at a point where the weight is almost impossible to lift.

5. They view fat loss as a short term goal rather than a life time journey 
What is the point if you lose the weight and then put it on again and then lose it again then put it on again? See where I'm going here? Lose weight the healthy way and make sure you stay that way. Giving in to temptation is easy, but reaping the rewards of living a healthy lifestyle is even better!

6. They fear bulking up from lifting heavy.
Okay, most women ask me why I lift so much, but why I'm still reasonably thin and toned. I barely do cardio, but since I lift heavy and build up muscle, my metabolism is THROUGH THE ROOF. I'm burning fat even as I sleep! Why? Muscle increases your metabolism, this means less cardio to burn off fat. Don't fear lifting heavy, it's very tough to bulk up, even for a guy.

7. They want to lose weight
Weight loss can mean bone, muscle, blood, fat and water loss. What kind of losses do you want? Do the correct thing for the correct type of weight loss.

8. Believing in spot reduction
Sorry, but if you want to lose fat, you must work all parts of your body. There is no such thing as spot reduction for FAT LOSS.  100000 Push ups won't get rid of your "bat wings", neither will endless crunches and lunges. Eat right, exercise right.

9. I am on a ___________ diet.
As the saying goes, diets that promise no exercise and almost instant fat loss = Get Rich Quick schemes. From diet teas which are just herbal laxatives which leaves you drained from essential nutrients in the end or liquid diets, which also leaves you pumped with artificial ingredients and lack of essential nutrients.

10. It's Low Fat, so I can eat as much as I want.
WRONG! If a normal chocolate granola bat is 90 cals and a low fat one is 50 cals. Even if you eat 2 low fat bars, it's 100 cals. Isn't that 10 cals more than 1 normal bar? By the way, 1 eclipse mint is 4 calories, so watch out when you pop mints like these in your mouth.

For low-cost personal training services and other enquires, please feel free to email me at!

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