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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do you have what it takes to be someone's inspiration?

Yes, being fit SUCKS. It sucks so bad because you gotta eat healthy, go get your butt out there to exercise, you don't eat yummy food more than once a week. The food tastes bland, the exercise is boring. Sometimes you don't reach your short term goals. You make shitty mistakes you don't even know you're making. Takes a lot of guts and dedication to upkeep this interest and fire to workout and stay fit doesn't it?

Thus, this entry is dedicated to my fitness inspirations to go on and hit it hard at the gym or whenever I'm training. To go on whenever I feel down and I want to give up. 
Give me strength on days I want to laze around and not work out.

1. Chicken Tuna

She's straightforward and no bullshit too. She just eats things CLEAN. Means no whining about food tasting bland. No whining about working out being boring and painful. No whining about people telling her what to do and eat. She just does it, after work. 
She works out with weights 3 times a week, 5 days cardio. 
I relate to her as she also used to be skinny. But she took that in control and there you go, she achieved a great body.

And she's right, on a more superficial level of working out and being CONSISTENT doing it, is that...what's more fun that walking around looking awesome in anything you wear?

Tianna is also another inspiration to me. She started out as a lost cardio bunny (don't we all start on that weird track to fitness?) Then she was inspired by fitness models in magazines to keep fit. Sure she does have her crap days (that she announces on twitter) BUT HEY, she still gets her butt into the gym. No excuses. Yes, you may argue that this is her job, but how do you think she got to be a fitness model in the first place?

I would say, Ava is a woman that you can either be inspired by or just dislike. My male friends aren't too  crazy over her as she is a tough ass. But I'm so so so inspired by her. Her drive, her dedication, her past, her present and most probably her future. She's the woman that is a she-wolf. She is beautiful on stage yet so brutually insane when she trains. I hold so much respect for this woman and every time I see her pictures, I just want to get up and go train my butt off.
She was also featured on MTV made as one of the guest coaches to help Pump Putnam train the fat boy into a bodybuilder. 

Alicia was my second inspirational figure when I started working out in Oct 2008. I came to know of her in 2009! She looked sexy yet so strong. All the feminine curves in the right places and  she looked so lean. I wanted to be like her- healthy, lean, sexy. If she could do it, so could I.

She was my first inspiration after I watched Doomsday. That was a long time ago when my limbs were sticks and my abs were almost non-existent. I did not know what was going on in fitness. Started out lifting really light weights and did way too much cardio and ate too little.

6. Adidas' crossfit ad (yes, this post isn't all about women.)

This just sums up my passion for fitness. It is just so serene when you workout. You literally focus on exercising and nothing else. It's therapeutic, almost.

7. Last BUT not least, this Equinox ad:

This just why I go through training, three to four times a week. Why I'm so obsessed with fitness. Why I never stop pushing myself and why I just never ever stop.

Fitness is not about getting motivated to exercise and just lose fat. Fitness is not about that quick fix you need to get once in a while. No, fitness is not alcohol nor drugs or something you should do before a check up or some major crisis.

Fitness is you. Fitness is yourself. No one is going to be there, all the time to keep telling you to be healthy and be involved in fitness. No one, not even me, can go on writing post after post to inspire you to work out. You need to start that spark in yourself to work out, to exercise, to eat well. As you get fitter, you don't only see the weight loss, the fat loss, the muscle tone. You get to see you. 

You get to see the real you. How much pressure you can take. How driven you really are. How much perseverance you have. How much control you have on your life. How fitness helps you overcome the stressors in your life.

Your outlook changes. Your body changes. Your mental health changes. You become your better. And the best is yet to come.

Fitness is YOUR JOURNEY on your time on your road on your will.


And leaving you with the words from Jillian Michaels, 
"You can choose to do it or choose to quit"

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